Terms and Conditions
Liz Packwood Photography is 100% committed to protecting your personal information. Recently we updated our Privacy Policy to be compliant with important new rulings called GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation). This is a ruling to enforce stricter laws on collecting, using and storing the information given to websites. It mainly concerning citizens of the European Union, but most online businesses are updating their Policies world wide to comply with the new rulings.
So what do the new rulings say? It’s all about giving people back more control over their own data and information; and to get people to give their permission for cookies to be stored via a checkbox/form on your website. The GDPR have made one set of rules for all companies processing data in the European Union.
Which isn’t us here in Australia. These new rulings were made by the European Union to make the internet a safer place for those living in those countries.
But almost everyone around the world is realising these kind of changes are needed; and trying to makes these new rules for everybody they deal with worldwide. That includes my business at Liz Packwood Photography. We aren’t required by law to do so, but we will be rolling out changes like double optin and permission checkboxes in the next few months.
It has caused a big stir around the world; and it is good for you to read through this and be aware of it. Everyone wants the internet to be safer; not sneakily taking people’s info and using it in ways they may not be aware of. Usually this is just for advertising purposes (spam). But we all know there are unscrupulous people out there…these new laws make it very clear what is ok and what is not.
We have provided this Privacy Policy to let you know how we collect and use personal information given to us by our customers. So what information are we talking about? Name, email address and if you become clients of ours, we will need more info.
We do not collect any personal information unless you have voluntarily provided it to us. We may collect information in the following ways: forms on our website, in meetings either online, via email, by phone or in person.
We may collect your name, email address, phone number, mailing address, YouTube, Facebook or other social media account information, domain registration information, and website admin logins etc.
This information you voluntarily submit to us will be used to provide you with the products or services you have requested from us. We may send you promotional offers via email or direct mail. We may send you messages or information via text message if you have requested us to do so. We respect your right to online privacy. Your personal information will not be shared with any third parties unless you request us to do so.
During your use of our website we may collect non personal information about you such as IP address, location, time spent and pages viewed on our website etc. We will record if you came to our site from another referred website and we will use cookies which will allow us to identify your internet browser. This will enable us to improve your experience on our website and serve you better.
Our website has strict security measures in place to protect your information from loss or misuse. While we take every precaution we cannot absolutely guarantee the information we collect will be safe from unauthorized access from hackers or other third parties that do not have our consent.
There may be links on this website to other sites or services which we feel may provide value to you, the customer. These are for you to use and reference, but Liz Packwood Photography is in no way responsible for the privacy policies, or anything else on these websites that may be linked to us.
It is up to you to read the privacy and terms and conditions on other sites that may be linked to us to ensure you are happy to go ahead.
From time to time we may post a link to a website or service that we may benefit from financially.
We may send you promotional offers via email from time to time. If you wish to stop receiving such content from us, you may unsubscribe at any time by clicking the ‘unsubscribe’ link at the bottom of our emails; or by sending us an email. You may change or modify any information you have previously given to us by contacting us via email or phone.
We reserve the right to make changes to this Privacy Policy at any time and we will post a notice on our website and email our customers if this occurs. By continuing to use our website and services you hereby agree to accept our most current privacy policy. Thank you for being a customer.
So thanks for reading this: ( you have done great to get to this point – we’re proud of you!
Liz on behalf of Liz Packwood Photography