4 Vital lighting tips for noteworthy food photography in Perth

Do you want lighting tips for food photography in Perth for enhanced photos of food? As mentioned, these food photography tips will emphasize on lighting methods that you can apply to take better looking food pictures at restaurants when you all have at hand is your camera and your preferred food that you want to […]


Do you want lighting tips for food photography in Perth for enhanced photos of food? As mentioned, these food photography tips will emphasize on lighting methods that you can apply to take better looking food pictures at restaurants when you all have at hand is your camera and your preferred food that you want to photograph.

There will be a set of simple to follow rules that you can apply to bring about delectable looking food photographs. The best thing is, there is no requirement for a costly camera to be able to create these photos.

  1. The challenging realistic limitations

Professional food photographs are generally shot as studios where the lighting condition is controlled. Nonetheless, taking photographs of food at restaurants needs you to harness specific realistic limitations that can undeniably be challenging.

The lighting conditions in most top class restaurants are dim, while the average or lower class restaurants generally use fluorescent lights. When you come across these situations, what is there you can do to overcome them?

  • Derive benefit of Natural Daylight

Whenever possible, it is best that you carry out your attempts regarding food photography in Perth during the day. This allows you the benefit of making use of the natural light.

Natural daylight have a tendency to be a vibrant source of directional light that can be obtained from the windows of the restaurants. Your dish will be best illuminated with vibrant sources of daylight and ambient light when you pick a table that is positioned around the periphery.

  • How to make the food look at its best

Try to make the food in your photographs look shiny and somewhat translucent to make them look at their best and completely mouth savoring. A translucent impact gives the ingredients in your food images an extra dimension. To accomplish such food images, get the food positioned where the directional light source comes from a 10 or 2 o clock position.

Positioning food from this angle that offers that back lighting, allows you to shoot the glistening shiny layer of oil on the top of that bacon slice. Shadows will also disappear, thereby making the meat fiber apparent. Food photographers like these can make your viewers drivel!

  • Fill lights and white cards

You can also use a white card by putting it in front of the food you are going to picture so that the available light from the surrounding can be reflected on the food. To lessen the visibility of rough shadows appearing in front of the food, make use of fill lights.


If you are serious and want to enhance your food photography skills and become a better food photographer, then you should keep the above mentioned points in your mind. These photography tips are straight and simple that you can implement. Implementing these points during your food photography shoot will definitely make sure that you get jaw dropping pictures that will definitely wow your viewers.